Dinner Time Stories is a two and a half hour dining show that tells the story of how the world’s smallest chef follows the route of...
Our Durbanite contributors, Shelley and her mother, Carmen were invited to experience Brahman Hills, their spa as well as the Midlands Kitchen. Read more on what...
It’s just the ‘veginning’ for Oh My Soul Café, now trending in Durban North! Durbanite was invited to indulge in some of the best wraps, waffles,...
The Grill Room’s sumptuous New Menu offers the Best of the Best of The Oyster Box The Oyster Box’s flagship Grill Room restaurant has revealed its...
The age old saying goes: “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start…” – but when walking into an all-you-can-eat dinner buffet,...
Durbanite recently had the opportunity to review the Big Easy, we loved the cosy homey vibes, the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. Décor was fab, with...
Durbanite recently had the opportunity to visit the Hilton Durban and try out Vasco’s Seafood Buffet. To sum it up quite simply… it blew me away!...