One bad day… can change everything Grab your girlfriends, mom and sisters and diarise Wednesday, 20 August, from 19:00, for this month’s Ster-Kinekor Girlfriends’ Getaway treat! A special...
Laugh the night away with a great comedy … We all need some girl-time with our girlfriends. So this month, why not spend it at the...
If you are looking for an awesome night out with your girlfriends, coupled with a good laugh, then Ster-Kinekor has just the answer. Join them at...
The perfect film for a night out with the girls If you are looking forward to a fun night out with the girls, Ster-Kinekor has just...
To celebrate a brand new year, Ster-Kinekor’s movie choice for its first ‘Girlfriends’ Getaway’ event on19 February is a beautiful, fantasy love story. Winter’s Tale, set in a...